Membership Month

For over ten years my IABC membership has allowed me to connect with communicators around Edmonton and the globe. It has been a wonderful experience, and admittedly a great advantage, to be a part of this community and a great driver for why I have spent seven years serving on the Board of Directors. 

I strongly believe that what you get out of something is determined by what you put in to it – but I feel as though I have been rewarded tenfold with the connections and generosity of time and talent through this network. 

Working with Capital Awards I had the chance to spend months with senior communications professionals from across Canada as they served as judges – and to this day we remain connected through questions, opportunities, and new friendships. That kind of access can only be achieved when so many communicators take to heart that they will support one another. 

Maybe it’s in our nature to reach out for connection because of what we do – but the authenticity that is waiting on the other line when those emails or calls are made (sometimes to complete strangers) is transformative. I know that it has not only made me grow in my profession, but it has made me want to do better because of the grace I have been shown. 

Membership month has made me reflective on the WHY I remain a member. 

It’s the connection.

I want to thank the many IABC colleagues and friends who have answered a call or an email – sometimes out of the blue – and had the patience and excitement to work through an idea or a challenge. A small handful of those members include Elizabeth Bunney, Megan Thorburn, Amanda LeNeve, Phoebe Dey, Tim Shaw, Dana Higgins, Will Tigley, and Teresa Sturgess – but there are so many more! Moving forward, I hope to make a similar impact with IABC members looking to connect. 

-Suzanne Pescod, President