Submit a Job

To submit a posting to Jobline, complete and submit the form below. Postings are updated and emailed to members every Monday. View current postings in the members-only area.

For any questions/concerns, please contact us.

Rates (per posting)

Jobline Rate$110 + $5.50 GST = $115.50$160 + $8 GST = $168
Charitable Rate$55 + $2.75 GST = $57.75$80 + $4 GST = $84

To get the member rate, you must employ at least one IABC member on staff.

Please note: credit card payment is required prior to submitting the form. Please check the membership level options before you submit your form.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will the posting be up?

Postings run for a maximum of eight consecutive weeks. We strongly recommend that you run your job for at least one week in Jobline (Monday to Monday).

What if I want the posting to run longer?

If your posting expires and you would like it redistributed in Jobline, resubmit your posting and payment via the Jobline form.

Will my posting appear on IABC International’s site?

Posting a job with IABC Edmonton does not post it to IABC International (and vice versa). Please note that IABC Edmonton cannot refund any payments made to the IABC International job site.

I don’t think my posting went through. What should I do?

Some corporate firewalls prevent our website form from working properly. If you receive an error while using the form, please email us immediately so that we can help you submit your posting.

I submitted a posting last week. Why didn’t it appear?

You may not have made your payment by end of business day Friday. Once payment is received, we will run the posting the week after.

Submit Your Posting

Information submitted is final, and IABC Edmonton is not responsible for errors in submissions. If we receive your submission by close of business on Friday, it will appear in the following week’s Jobline.

Your Information

  • Job Posting

  • Please insert the link or email address where user’s can submit their application.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • $ 0.00 CAD
  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
  • Your card will be charged upon submission. Postings are updated and emailed to members early every Monday. If we receive this post by close of business on Friday, it will appear in the next week’s Jobline.