With more than 500 members, IABC Edmonton bo one of the highest membership bases in Canada. So, who are these 500 career-oriented #yeggers that you share an IABC membership and a passion for communications with? This month, we’re taking a look at the foundation of IABC Edmonton…our members and their careers. It’s time to get to know the IABC Edmonton community a little bit better.
Our members are talented contributors to, and leaders of, communications, marketing, and PR teams. They belong to organizations in or around the Edmonton area with local, regional, national and global reach.
Our initial common ground may be IABC Edmonton, but outside of IABC, our members hold positions in a variety of communication disciplines, including:
- Public Relations
- Media relations
- Corporate communication
- Employee communication
- Human Resources
- Graphic design
- Public affairs
- Editing
- Investor relations
- Leadership coaching
- Government relations
- Photography/Video production
- Marketing communication
- Community relations
- Social responsibility
- Writing
Going into our 40th year this year, we are proud to show off how diverse we are in skillsets, areas of expertise, and our public and private sector experience. Below we’ve anonymously summarized career information provided to us through your IABC profile.
Our Edmonton members are working in a variety of business types, summarized below.
You’ve likely met some of the communications professionals represented above at IABC events or through our social media channels. They might be new friends, mentors, or LinkedIn connections. Or, they may be that person who you met at a networking event that gave you great career advice, or offered insight into a career path or industry that you weren’t familiar with. Your membership with IABC Edmonton keeps you connected with those people, as well as job opportunities through Jobline to help move your career forward.
Get to know IABC!
In our 40th year, we continue to build on a strong foundation cultivated by our large and diverse group of Business Communications professionals who have varying career paths and journeys ahead. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram for virtual introductions to our Edmonton Board members and volunteers, and to find out about the many IABC events throughout the year where you can connect with your fellow IABC community members.